26 dintre primele mele 50 de scenografii
26 of my first 50 scenographies
by Cosmin Ardeleanu
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About the Book
Cel mai năucitor paradox al scenografiei este „frumusețea”. Decorurile frumoase smulg strigăte de admirație din public. Exclamația „foarte frumoasă scenografie” aduce însă tulburător de limpede aminte de tablourile (sau simfoniile) „drăguțe”. Aceasta nu înseamnă totuși că nu există prin teatre și scenografii urâte. Cum trebuie deci să arate o scenografie reușită? Care sunt competențele unui scenograf „bun”?
The most bewildering paradox of scenography is its potential to create a space of mesmerizing beauty. Beautiful stage designs raise gasps of amazement among the audience. However, the exclamation ‘very beautiful scenery’ is well reminiscent of the adjective ‘nice’ paintings (or symphonies). Equally you might find decors which are, simply put, ugly. But does a successful set design have to be ‘beautiful’? What makes a good set in theatre? What makes a good set designer?
The most bewildering paradox of scenography is its potential to create a space of mesmerizing beauty. Beautiful stage designs raise gasps of amazement among the audience. However, the exclamation ‘very beautiful scenery’ is well reminiscent of the adjective ‘nice’ paintings (or symphonies). Equally you might find decors which are, simply put, ugly. But does a successful set design have to be ‘beautiful’? What makes a good set in theatre? What makes a good set designer?
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Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
- Additional Categories Biographies & Memoirs
Project Option: Standard Portrait, 8×10 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 240 -
- Hardcover, ImageWrap: 9798210942418
- Publish Date: Aug 30, 2023
- Language English
- Keywords scenography, stage design, theatre, scenografie
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About the Creator
Cosmin Ardeleanu
Cosmin Ardeleanu is an architect with a PhD in Performing Arts working as a scenographer, photographer and graphic designer. Since 1999, he drew up the stage and costume designs for more than 50 theatrical performances, working with all generational elites of stage directors in Romanian theatres from Bucharest and nation wide.