Barcelona's images of the Spanish Movement "INDIGNADOS 15 - M"
by Lluis Ripoll
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About the Ebook
Indignats es en catalán Indignados, conocido también como movimiento 15-M o "Spanish Revolution", su movimiento equivalente ha sido el conocido en N.Y. como "Occupy Wall Street", algunas de mis fotos fueron seleccionadas para la exposición fotográfica organizada por tal motivo por el ICP (International Center of Photography, N.Y.). El 15 de Mayo, principalmente formado por jóvenes se desató una espontánea protesta en la Plaza del Sol de Madrid, a la que muy pronto se adhirieron otras ciudades y gente de todas las edades, manifestando su disconformidad contra la crisis financiera, la corrupción, el desempleo, los políticos, y legislación sobre las elecciones democráticas . En mi libro se muestran diferentes imágenes de la protesta en Barcelona, el ambiente general etc...
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 120 pgs
- Publish Date: May 03, 2013
- Last Edit Jul 28, 2015
- Language English
- Keywords Occupy Movement, spanish revolution, The Indignant citizens movement, photojournalism, crisis, recession, desempleo, unenployement, Leica, rangefinder, people, manifestaciones, demonstrations, protest, social, 15-M, indignados, Indignats, Photography
About the Creator
Personal website: Instagram @lluisripollphotography Other Website: Blog: Long experienced Freelance Photographer in Humanist and Documentary Photography. Awarded in some Photography and Amateur Cinema contests, featured in several books of Leica photographers. Some of my work has been exhibited in the ICP Exhibition in NYC “Occupy Wall Street”, as well in Chicago, Arles and Lyon in France and several exhibitions and Festivals in Spain. Some of my work has been purchased by the National Archives of Catalonia for Museums and Institutions. Specially involved in Classical Photography in Black and White Gelatin Silver copies make by myself. My work is mainly on Barcelona, also Spain, Paris, New York, Italy, Lisboa and some other Countries with a big collection of vintage pictures. My professional career has been in private Companies.