The Earthisle Trilogy Book One Beloved of the Moons Ebook
by David Struthers
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About the Ebook
These books are for the young in heart though not for the young in years! It is an adventure story that deals with young adults put into demanding situations where they often endure much to find out the truth, in personal beliefs, sexual relationships, cooperation in society, working with people from different ethnic backgrounds. It is set in a world you can recognize, but has inhabitants that have to change if they are to merge with those who think differently, and become real neighbours.
When our Moon and Mars collide, Man has to start again to build a New World from the destruction of the Old. But where does he start? Records are lost. Knowledge is lost. Boundaries are lost. All we have is our imagination and determination to build anew without benefit of the lost understanding of our world. Pockets of human life survive and develop in a very restricted landscape. Each isolated group has to develop its own understanding of how society should behave, and how to treat other members. What if a Dreamer is born...?
When our Moon and Mars collide, Man has to start again to build a New World from the destruction of the Old. But where does he start? Records are lost. Knowledge is lost. Boundaries are lost. All we have is our imagination and determination to build anew without benefit of the lost understanding of our world. Pockets of human life survive and develop in a very restricted landscape. Each isolated group has to develop its own understanding of how society should behave, and how to treat other members. What if a Dreamer is born...?
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 168 pgs
- Publish Date: Aug 16, 2012
- Last Edit Oct 20, 2012
- Language English
- Keywords Adventure, Romance
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