I was born in Norwich but only lived there for the first 2 years of my life. My father went to the Dominion of South Africa and then the British Government sent him north, to the newly formed Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland where I grew up. I trained in forensics and to fly a helicopter. As a child and teenager I frequently got into trouble, sometimes life threatening. I worked as junior warden/ranger in several game reserves.
My story is told in 'LET SLEEPING LIONS LIE...' and its sequel 'WILD GRASS' - in there you'll read about the time I nearly lost my life when confronted by angry CAPE BUFFALO and the time my friends panicked and left me deep down in a cave with some dead bodies. Oh there were so many - don't get me started! You read the books!
I've been writing for about 30 years and cover a wide spectrum from highly technical books on specialist telecommunications to slushy poetry.
I once worked for the British Government 1976 - 1991 and my writing reflects that knowledge.