Born 1977.
Lived a short first life in carpentry before moving from rural Upper Austria to Vienna for studies in modern history and politics.
Holds a doctorate in philosophy from Vienna University (cultural studies).
Spent nearly two years (as a staff photographer amongst other occupations) in a NATO regional headquarters on the Balkans.
Published “Shooting War – Kriegsbilder als Bildquellen” (Tectum Verlag Marburg, ISBN 978-3-8288-2052-4) in 2009.
Prepares publication of "Dogface Soldiers. Die Frontsoldaten der US-Infanterie und der Krieg gegen Hitlers Wehrmacht im Mittelmeerraum und Nordwesteuropa" with Böhlau publishing house, Vienna/Cologne/Weimar.
Works in the NGO sector.
Lives in Vienna with his family.