Nana's Day Out Ebook
by Karena Phillippo
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About the Ebook
Nana's Day Out is about Nana having an amazing day out and enjoying her day going to watch her grandson in his football game and Nana loves to take pictures of course of her grandson and Nana loves nature and especially of monarch butterflies ,persimmon seeds and of a bald eagle that lives in her neighborhood and it also gives children knowledge about the pictures.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Children’s Books
- Additional Categories Nature / Wildlife, Biographies & Memoirs
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 32 pgs
- Publish Date: Mar 17, 2020
- Last Edit Mar 17, 2020
- Language English
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About the Creator
Karena Phillippo
I'm a wife of my husband about ten years ,I'm a mother of four almost five children and I mean almost five that one of my lovely granddaughters and I have a special bond we share and also my husband and I have a four year old Jack-Chi dog he acts exactly like a little human ,dog, cat he is our baby boy I'm also a Nana of five beautiful grandchildren and one of my grandchildren JJ is my grandson who I went to see play in his football game in my book Nana's Day Out.